What Is A Cloud Server and Why Does It Matter?

A cloud server is a machine providing its own RAM and disk space. It also provides its very own processor capable of sharing information through a virtual world of technology.

The Difference Between a Cloud Server and VPS

Some people assume that these two are one in the same. They are not. There is a big difference between a cloud server and VPS(Virtual Private Server.) 


The first difference lies in the ability to increase the resources in real time. Two great examples of this are the amount of RAM and bandwidth you use. The infrastructures are two completely different things. You can dictate how much power and bandwidth your server uses within the confines of the cloud. A private server does not give you this ability.


The second difference involves economics. You should take a look at a copy of a bill for both. A private server bill you either on a monthly or yearly basis. The cloud bills you based on how much you use on an hourly rate.

Which one is going to cost you more? 

That depends on how much power and data you use. You might not use your private server that much, and still, be billed a regular flat rate. You might use your cloud server 24/7, and still wind up paying less than what you paid on a private monthly server. 

What Is a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server is one main server hosted by one person. They do not share their platform or information with anyone else. The difference between this and a private server is that a private server is owned by a company. A server dedicati is not.